Amy's Vegetable Garden

Sunday, July 20, 2008

ewwwie yuck!

A gigantic tomato hornworm munching on my tom leaves.
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Newborn Vegetables

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Here's some Shady Ladies.... they will be salsa in about one hour!
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Very Sweet Sun Gold Cherry Tom's

I love tomatoes!!
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Heirloom Tomatoes

Green Sausage Tomatoes... these guys never made it mainstream... clearly these are the misfits... and i luv growin 'em.Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 30, 2008


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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Garden Is Back!

Coming Soon in 2008!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Caught a Jack Rabbit sniffin around my garden

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I'm showing off another batch of fresh, yummy, heirloom tomatoes. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 14, 2005

There's one ugly, creepy, pesky tomato hornworm that had been munching large holes out of my precious tomatoes!! And Annika finds it very cute and interesting.... a few minutes it will be chicken treats! Posted by Picasa

a young one just startin' out Posted by Picasa

one big old sunflower getting ready to make some seeds Posted by Picasa

a baby Cinderella pumpkin Posted by Picasa

sugar pumpkins for pumpkin pie! Posted by Picasa

Here's a beauty!!  Posted by Picasa

a kabocha squash... mmmm yum... one of my favorites. Posted by Picasa

veggie garden  Posted by Picasa

Aren't those heirlooms beautiful!! Posted by Picasa

Now this is what I've been waiting for!!! Posted by Picasa

a couple of companions... tomato and pepper Posted by Picasa

tomotoes on the vine  Posted by Picasa

There's a couple leeks... about 50 more are growing in the next row. Posted by Picasa

sunflower and a bumble bee Posted by Picasa

a row of jungle tomatoes Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Chloe and I found frogs hanging out in our compost pile.  Posted by Hello